Archive for the ‘Finding People’ Category

How To Find Someone’s Birthday Without Any Embarrassment

July 12, 2010

You often can’t find someone’s birthday by asking them

There’s only one thing that people hate more than growing old and that’s letting other people know that they’re getting older. People often lie about their age so that they can give the impression of being younger than they really are.

Of course if you are very young it’s more common for you to try and give the impression that you’re older and more mature than you really are. This is another reason why you might lie about your age. There’s probably an optimum age when you don’t mind telling your real age but I think most people race through this period very quickly.

So if you want to send someone a birthday gift or you need to know their true age for some reason how do you find out what it is without causing embarrassment?

Be very discreet when trying to find out someone’s date of birth

Often people don’t want you to know how old they are because they take pride in their youthful looks and outlook. They might even lie about their age to add to the illusion. In fact lying about your age must be one of the most common ‘white lies’ there is. It might even be the most common lie that anyone makes. You can’t just walk up to someone and ask, “How old are you?” because you can potentially cause a lot of embarrassment and you can’t rely on getting a truthful answer in any case.

You have to be discrete if you want to find someone’s birthday. You need to find a way to look up their birth record without letting them know that you’re doing it. You can’t ask them directly and you can’t ask their friends either. Friends might feel that they’re betraying a trust or they might not know the true age of the person anyway. Luckily there is a way to do this using the Internet. See below.

Is there anyone you could ask about this persons date of birth?

You might be able to ask close friends or relatives of the person but I think that you need to know them very well before you do. You could look up their birth records if you knew where to go to find it but that seems like a lot of hard work to me.

If you are close to friends or relatives of the person then they might be prepared to give you the information that you are looking for but they might not even know the answers. They might think that they know their age but they are way off without knowing it.

How to find someone’s date of birth quick, easy and discrete

Vast amounts of information about us all including your date of birth are now stored in databases much of which are available to you to access if you only knew which database you needed and where to go to find it. The problem is knowing how to do the searches and having the time to do it.

Don’t worry because help is at hand. It’s now possible to access hundreds or thousands of databases consisting of literally billions of records about you and almost anyone you can think of. You can do all of this by using a single website which makes the whole process much more attractive.

How Do I Do Online Background Checks
Use the same databases used by law enforcement to find out information on almost anyone you know.

How To Find People And Birthdays
Find people and birthdays using the awesome power of the Internet.

How To Find Out If You Have A Warrant For Arrest
How do you know if someone has an arrest warrant?

How Do I Do A Background Check On Someone?
How do you know if someone is married or has a criminal record?

Author: Steve Gee

Can I Find Someone By Using Name Only? Finding People Is Fun

November 18, 2009

What could be more fun than finding people you know?

It could be someone that you used to know well but you haven’t been in contact with them for a long time. It might be someone who you met some time ago and would like to meet up with them again. Perhaps it’s someone who you’ve just met and you want to find out something about them even if it’s just to check out their story. Can I find a person by using name only? Yes, in many cases you can do exactly that. I’ve discovered a system that not many people know about and I’m going to show you how you can use it to find people and have fun doing it.

Is there a secret system of locating people using the Internet?

The secret of finding people is having access to information – lots of information from everywhere and as much of it as you can get. Where can you get this information? In free public records that’s where. Names, addresses, marriage records, birth records, death records, criminal records, arrest records. All this kind of information and a lot more is stored in public records freely accessible to you.

Now you can’t expect to find absolutely everything about anyone. Nevertheless I have been able to locate several old friends of mine and found out a lot of interesting information about them.

The truth is out there – Search billions of public records in no time at all

Finding people when all you have is a name is like detective work. You have to start with what you know and keep searching until you find enough clues to put the puzzle together. There is a very good chance that the clues that you need are buried in some public records somewhere if only you knew how to find it.

Public records are generally free for you to access but unfortunately there is no official central store of public records. They are kept in thousands of separate databases all over the place. Some of them are on the Internet and some of them are not. Unless you have a good idea of what you are looking for and where to go for it you can spend a lot of time getting nowhere.

What if there was a place that you could go where they collect all the public records that they can get their hands on and make them available to you from one easy to use web site? It would make things so much easier wouldn’t it.

It should come as no surprise to find that there are web sites that have been collecting public records for years. Why is it not surprising? Well there is a huge demand for such a service. After all, it’s a service that you can use to find someone you are looking for and there are a lot of people doing exactly the same thing. Where there is a demand for something it will eventually be provided.

Unlimited background checks – Essential for finding people using name only

There are a number of good public records web sites out there and I have used some of them to find people myself. I can tell you that if you are looking for someone starting with limited information like only their name, then you may need to do a lot of searches before you find enough pieces of the puzzle to find them with. That’s why I prefer to use a web site that offers unlimited public records searches for a reasonable monthly fee rather than paying for each and every search that you do.

Having used both pay-by-search and unlimited search public records web sites I can tell you that you will likely have much more fun when you subscribe to unlimited searches. Why? Because it gives you the power to do whatever and as many searches as you want to. You can search for all of your friends and look up their relatives and neighbors too. Check out your neighbors and the people that you hire to do work for you. The possibilities are endless so give it a try today.

Free Background Checks
Compare two great web sites both with over a billion public records. One of them charges for each search that you do, the other charges a small monthly fee for an unlimited number of free background check searches.

How to Find People – Birth Date Search for People
Find people that you haven’t seen for years or perhaps you just want to look up someone’s birthday. It’s easy to do both online.

Find Someone on the Internet

Using a free public records web site to help find someone doesn’t have to be difficult and in many instancies you might find the person that you are looking for surprisingly quickly.

Author: Steve Gee

How to Find People – Date of Birth Search for People Online

November 6, 2009

Find people and birthdays with ease using the power of the Internet!

Have you lost touch with your high school and college friends like I have? Most of us do it seems and such a shame it is too. I bet that there are plenty of people that you promised faithfully that you would keep in touch with but you haven’t. As the years go by you come to regret that you didn’t live up to your promise but don’t give up yet, there are ways of finding people that might amaze you.

Birthdays are also easily forgotten, even when they are your best of friends or even close family. I’m terrible at remembering this kind of thing and it isn’t helped by the fact that a lot of people would like you to think that they are younger than they really are. Asking them is embarrassing because it might show that you’ve forgotten it or because they would rather not tell you. Don’t worry though, there is now a solution to this. There are amazing public records databases online that let you search for people and their date of births. Its quick and easy and its confidential too.

Time might be a healer but it has a lot to answer for

When I left university 30 years ago I was part of a very close group of friends. We all promised each other and ourselves that we would stay in touch no matter what happened even though we were all going off to start our working lives in different parts of the country.

For a while most of us managed to call and write to each other every now and then. There was no email or messenger or Internet back then. The time between calls got longer and longer as we all got into our new lives and after a few short years we practically lost touch altogether.

The sad thing about all of this is that I lost touch with one of my best friends from university and we were both living in the same town. Would you believe it? 10 years ago he died and I had seen him perhaps only a handful of times in the previous 10 years. We contacted everyone we could find from the old days to find a handful of people to attend the funeral. I hadn’t seen some of these old friends of mine for 20 years and sadly I haven’t seen them since.

A lot has happened in the last few years and it’s now possible to use the Internet to search online public records databases from the comfort of your own home quickly, easily and with complete discretion. You can use databases that used to be accessible only by the law enforcement agencies for finding missing persons. Now you can do the same searches to find practically anyone you want.

There really is no excuse for losing touch with people when it’s so easy to find them. Do it now, you’ll regret it if you don’t.

How Do I Find A Person?
If you want to find someone who you’ve lost touch with then you should know that you can now search for them online. Find out how you can harness the power of the Internet to locate people.

find out if someone is married
If you are thinking of hooking up with someone new or someone that you have not seen for some time then it’s a good idea to find out something about them first. Finding out if they are married is a good place to start.

How to Find People – Birth Date Search for People
The Internet is getting more and more powerful every day. This means that there is now an awesome amount of free information available just waiting for you to find it. Even more important than that is knowing that there are web sites that specialize in bringing all that free information under one roo to make it simple, quick and easy for you to use. Use it to find people or find out more about them.

Author: Steve Gee