Archive for July, 2010

How To Find An Arrest Warrant – Dont Joke If You Have A Warrant

July 14, 2010

Would you know where to look for arrest warrants

If you have a warrant for arrest you will find that it’s far from an amusing situation. You will be even less happy if you didn’t do anything wrong and the warrant is some kind of error. Warrants are bad news and at best they can cost you money and worst case land you in jail. So do you want to know how to find out if you have a warrant?

If you want to do something about a warrant before it turns into an even bigger problem for you than it already is then you need to know that you have one. This isn’t always obvious especially if you are not guilty of the offence. There is now an easy solution to looking up warrants that you can use in a flash.

Do you know what a warrant for arrest is?

If you have an warrant for arrest then it means that the law enforcement agencies have an instruction to arrest you and take you to jail. The police can apply to a Judge for an Arrest Warrant and a court itself can give you Bench Warrants for things like failing to turn up in court etc. Both types of warrant will get you arrested unless you deal with it first so there is very little difference at the end of the day.

Who has your identity?

Getting your identity stolen is no joke either and it seems to be happening more and more. I’m guessing that the apparent explosion of identity theft is at least in part due to the increasing tendency to put everything online and so offering the thieves more opportunity to steal your details. If someone uses your stolen identity to commit a crime then you can get left with the warrant.

Beat the cops to it – find warrants first

The Internet to the rescue – Don’t you just love it? You can find almost anything you want online today and arrest warrants are there too. All you need is a web site that makes it easy to search for the stuff so that you don’t have to do the leg work. It works too.

Arrest warrants are just one example of the information that you can learn about someone online. There are web sites devoted to bringing all this public domain information into your home for you to search it whenever you want to and it’s fully confidential.

Is there another way to check for arrest warrants

There are alternative ways to to find out if you have a warrant if you don’t care to use a specialist public records database web site. I’m not sure why you would want to use them when you can just go online and do it in minutes but here they are anyway,

Just ignore it. Wait for the police to come for you. This works most of the time but the consequences of getting arrested out of the blue are not happy ones.

If you know where the warrant came from you can go and ask the courthouse. This isn’t going to work if the warrant was raised in a different area.

Asking a law enforcement officer is likely to find your warrants for you if you have any but expect to get arrested on the spot.

The best way to find an warrant for arrest is to utilize a public records background web site.

How Do I Check For Active Arrest Warrants?
Check to see if you have any active arrest warrants by doing an online background check on yourself. You might be thankful that you did because it’s much better to give yourself in than to get arrested.

How To Find Out If You Have A Warrant For Arrest
Use a popular online Court records web site to find your arrest warrants.

Find Your Warrants Before The Cops Come For You
How to get dragged out of bed by the police one morning because you have an active arrest warrant that you don’t know about. It’s a fictional story but it can happen and it might happen to you if you don’t take steps to avoid it.

Warrant For Arrest – How To Check For Arrest Warrants
You could have warrants that you don’t even know about.

Author: Steve Gee

Warrant For Arrest – Know How To Check For Arrest Warrants

July 12, 2010

Did you know that you could have outstanding arrest warrants? Find out about them right now

The police only have to think that you’ve committed a crime before applying for an arrest warrant from a Judge. Most people think that you have to actually do something wrong before you can get an arrest warrant but that’s not true. The police could come and get you at any time whether you’re a criminal or not. See below for an easy way to check if you have any active arrest warrants.

If you’ve forgotten to appear in court when you should have done or you didn’t get proof of that community service that you did then the court may have issued a bench warrant for you. If you have any kind of active warrant outstanding then sooner or later the police will come after you and arrest you.

You can’t afford to ignore an arrest warrant

If the cops come knocking at your door to arrest you then it will show on your record that the police had to hunt you down to serve the warrant on you. When you get to court this isn’t going to look good for you. The judge will be influenced by the fact that you had to be dragged in to court. You can’t afford to ignore an arrest warrant even if you are unaware that you have one.

It’s not as uncommon as you might think to have warrants that you don’t know about. It happens all of the time. Perhaps you failed to pay a fine or ran through a speed trap without realising it. You might have had your identity stolen and someone has been committing crimes on your behalf and giving your name to the police. Think about that for a moment, you can get arrested for something someone else did while they were using your name.

It’s much better to give yourself up than wait for the cops to drag you in

Try to put yourself into the judges shoes. Do you think that he or she might be inclined to treat you more sympathetically if your record shows that you handed yourself in to the court as soon as you discovered that you had an arrest warrant? I’m betting that this would be the case no matter how hard the judge tried to be impartial. It’s just human nature.

So find out whether you have active arrest warrants and take steps to engage a lawyer and give yourself up as soon as possible.

Check yourself out for warrants of arrest in the next few minutes

If you have an idea that you might have a warrant active and you know where it might have been issued then you can go and ask at the courthouse. This is easy enough but there’s no guarantee that you’ll get the right courthouse.

Whatever you do don’t ask a police officer because they most likely will arrest you on the spot as soon as they find out that there is an arrest warrant out for you.

There is a better way to check for warrants. You can use an online website that specialises in collecting public records from all over. You can do one search that will cover a multitude of courthouses and find additional information from all kinds of sources.

Check for arrest warrants now and do it regularly to make sure you stay on the right side of the law.

How do I check for arrest warrants.
Subscribing to a good online public records database is one of the best and easiest ways of doing background checks and looking for active arrest warrants on people. Give it a try – you might be surprised at what you find.

How To Find Out If You Have A Warrant For Arrest
Do you know how to find out if you have an active arrest warrant? Did you know that you could have warrants that you didn’t even know about?

Find Out If You Have A Warrant
One of the most popular and respected public records sites on the Internet.

Active Arrest Warrants – Why are People so Interested in Warrants?
If you don’t think that an active arrest warrant is important then you should read this article. Find out how warrants can ruin your life and why you should try to find any warrants you might have and deal with them quickly.

Search Free Arrest Warrants

Author: Steve Gee

How To Find Someone’s Birthday Without Any Embarrassment

July 12, 2010

You often can’t find someone’s birthday by asking them

There’s only one thing that people hate more than growing old and that’s letting other people know that they’re getting older. People often lie about their age so that they can give the impression of being younger than they really are.

Of course if you are very young it’s more common for you to try and give the impression that you’re older and more mature than you really are. This is another reason why you might lie about your age. There’s probably an optimum age when you don’t mind telling your real age but I think most people race through this period very quickly.

So if you want to send someone a birthday gift or you need to know their true age for some reason how do you find out what it is without causing embarrassment?

Be very discreet when trying to find out someone’s date of birth

Often people don’t want you to know how old they are because they take pride in their youthful looks and outlook. They might even lie about their age to add to the illusion. In fact lying about your age must be one of the most common ‘white lies’ there is. It might even be the most common lie that anyone makes. You can’t just walk up to someone and ask, “How old are you?” because you can potentially cause a lot of embarrassment and you can’t rely on getting a truthful answer in any case.

You have to be discrete if you want to find someone’s birthday. You need to find a way to look up their birth record without letting them know that you’re doing it. You can’t ask them directly and you can’t ask their friends either. Friends might feel that they’re betraying a trust or they might not know the true age of the person anyway. Luckily there is a way to do this using the Internet. See below.

Is there anyone you could ask about this persons date of birth?

You might be able to ask close friends or relatives of the person but I think that you need to know them very well before you do. You could look up their birth records if you knew where to go to find it but that seems like a lot of hard work to me.

If you are close to friends or relatives of the person then they might be prepared to give you the information that you are looking for but they might not even know the answers. They might think that they know their age but they are way off without knowing it.

How to find someone’s date of birth quick, easy and discrete

Vast amounts of information about us all including your date of birth are now stored in databases much of which are available to you to access if you only knew which database you needed and where to go to find it. The problem is knowing how to do the searches and having the time to do it.

Don’t worry because help is at hand. It’s now possible to access hundreds or thousands of databases consisting of literally billions of records about you and almost anyone you can think of. You can do all of this by using a single website which makes the whole process much more attractive.

How Do I Do Online Background Checks
Use the same databases used by law enforcement to find out information on almost anyone you know.

How To Find People And Birthdays
Find people and birthdays using the awesome power of the Internet.

How To Find Out If You Have A Warrant For Arrest
How do you know if someone has an arrest warrant?

How Do I Do A Background Check On Someone?
How do you know if someone is married or has a criminal record?

Author: Steve Gee