Archive for November, 2009

Can I Find Someone By Using Name Only? Finding People Is Fun

November 18, 2009

What could be more fun than finding people you know?

It could be someone that you used to know well but you haven’t been in contact with them for a long time. It might be someone who you met some time ago and would like to meet up with them again. Perhaps it’s someone who you’ve just met and you want to find out something about them even if it’s just to check out their story. Can I find a person by using name only? Yes, in many cases you can do exactly that. I’ve discovered a system that not many people know about and I’m going to show you how you can use it to find people and have fun doing it.

Is there a secret system of locating people using the Internet?

The secret of finding people is having access to information – lots of information from everywhere and as much of it as you can get. Where can you get this information? In free public records that’s where. Names, addresses, marriage records, birth records, death records, criminal records, arrest records. All this kind of information and a lot more is stored in public records freely accessible to you.

Now you can’t expect to find absolutely everything about anyone. Nevertheless I have been able to locate several old friends of mine and found out a lot of interesting information about them.

The truth is out there – Search billions of public records in no time at all

Finding people when all you have is a name is like detective work. You have to start with what you know and keep searching until you find enough clues to put the puzzle together. There is a very good chance that the clues that you need are buried in some public records somewhere if only you knew how to find it.

Public records are generally free for you to access but unfortunately there is no official central store of public records. They are kept in thousands of separate databases all over the place. Some of them are on the Internet and some of them are not. Unless you have a good idea of what you are looking for and where to go for it you can spend a lot of time getting nowhere.

What if there was a place that you could go where they collect all the public records that they can get their hands on and make them available to you from one easy to use web site? It would make things so much easier wouldn’t it.

It should come as no surprise to find that there are web sites that have been collecting public records for years. Why is it not surprising? Well there is a huge demand for such a service. After all, it’s a service that you can use to find someone you are looking for and there are a lot of people doing exactly the same thing. Where there is a demand for something it will eventually be provided.

Unlimited background checks – Essential for finding people using name only

There are a number of good public records web sites out there and I have used some of them to find people myself. I can tell you that if you are looking for someone starting with limited information like only their name, then you may need to do a lot of searches before you find enough pieces of the puzzle to find them with. That’s why I prefer to use a web site that offers unlimited public records searches for a reasonable monthly fee rather than paying for each and every search that you do.

Having used both pay-by-search and unlimited search public records web sites I can tell you that you will likely have much more fun when you subscribe to unlimited searches. Why? Because it gives you the power to do whatever and as many searches as you want to. You can search for all of your friends and look up their relatives and neighbors too. Check out your neighbors and the people that you hire to do work for you. The possibilities are endless so give it a try today.

Free Background Checks
Compare two great web sites both with over a billion public records. One of them charges for each search that you do, the other charges a small monthly fee for an unlimited number of free background check searches.

How to Find People – Birth Date Search for People
Find people that you haven’t seen for years or perhaps you just want to look up someone’s birthday. It’s easy to do both online.

Find Someone on the Internet

Using a free public records web site to help find someone doesn’t have to be difficult and in many instancies you might find the person that you are looking for surprisingly quickly.

Author: Steve Gee

Arrest Warrants: 3 Ways To Find Out If You Have An Arrest Warrant

November 16, 2009

Avoid hassle and expense by finding your arrest warrants before it’s too late

Have you checked to see if you’ve got any outstanding warrants for arrest? You might never even have given it a thought but have you ever stopped to think about what might happen if there are any warrants on you?

One day you will get a call and standing there will be a cop ready to take you in to jail.

Perhaps it won’t happen for many years or you might just get a police visit tomorrow. They will be at your door to arrest you and put you in a cell until you come up against a judge who will know that you were hunted down and arrested. You will wish that you had taken steps to avoid the problem by checking for arrest warrants and getting them dealt with before they got blown out of proportion.

Here are 3 methods that you can use to find out if you have warrants and save yourself unnecessary stress and expense.

You can have an arrest warrant and not know it

The hardest part about all this is that you may not even know that you’ve done anything that could get you a warrant. It could be a trivial parking fine that you’ve forgotten about or a traffic offence. Were you supposed to do some community service but forgot to go. You could have done the community service but forgotten to tell the court that it’s been done. Someone could have taken your identity and done a crime while pretending to be you.

Minimizing the effects of an arrest warrant

If you have a warrant then the process that follows can’t be easily stopped but you can try to minimize the effect that it has on you. If you find out that you have a warrant before getting arrested then you have a chance to do something about it. Get yourself a lawyer straight away and then voluntarily hand yourself in.

If you do this then the court will see that you’ve done everything you can to cooperate and that you voluntarily handed yourself in. This goes down so much better with the court than if the police have dragged you in instead. This is all common sense of course but if you want to make sure that you are in a position to do this then you must find out about any warrants for your arrest before the police decide to come looking for you.

3 ways of checking to see if you have a warrant for arrest.

All 3 methods are simple but please try to avoid the first one as it may not be good for you. My choice is number 3 because it’s easy, quick and can be very effective.

1. Ask a police officer – This one is not recommended

Unless you want to get yourself arrested that is. Just find a police officer and ask him or her to check to see if there are any warrants out on you. The cop will do it for you quite happily but will also be quite happy to arrest you on the spot if a warrant is found. This is precisely what you don’t want to happen because you’ve just lost your opportunity to prepare for and hand yourself in voluntarily.

2. Use the courthouse

This will work ok if you know the area where you might have picked up an arrest warrant. Make a visit to the courthouse and ask. They will tell you if there are any warrants outstanding and it’s unlikely that you’ll get arrested for it. But what if there is a warrant for you in a different state? It could happen, especially if someone has stolen your identity and committed a crime in your name.

This is by far the easiest and most convenient way of staying ahead of the cops. Find out about your arrest warrants while watching tv at home in the evening.

3. Search public records online

This method will not lead to an arrest and you will have a good chance of finding warrants that have been raised outside of the state. You can search public records databases for arrest warrants online using a web site that specializes in gathering information for you. These databases are immense as they gather data from thousands of different sources from all over and organize it to make it real easy for you to search.

You don’t need to worry about getting yourself arrested when you use one of these services to find your warrants because most of the better sites are totally confidential. No one needs to know that you’ve been searching and no one else will see your results so it’s quite safe.

When you find that there’s an active warrant out on you go straight out and get yourself a lawyer to guide you through the process of giving yourself up and getting it all sorted out. It’s miles better than getting arrested.

Don’t forget to contact a lawyer as soon as you discover that you have a warrant for arrest.

Arrest Warrants: 3 ways To Find Out If You Have A Warrant For Arrest

Arrest Warrants: How To Avoid A Warrant For Arrest And Keep The Cops Away
If you have got an arrest warrant and you ignored it can cause a lot of trouble. Not to mention the expense that you hadn’t expected. It can ruin your life so it makes a lot of sense to try and avoid them.

Active Arrest Warrants – Why You Need To Be Interested in Warrants?
Find out what arrest warrants are all about and learn how you can find out if you have one.

How to Find People
We all lose touch with someone sooner or later. Find out how to find them and make contact again.

Author: Steve Gee

Active Arrest Warrants – How To Find Your Warrants For Arrest

November 7, 2009

Never ask a cop if there is an arrest warrant out on you

If a police officer knows that there is a warrant of arrest issued on you then he will most likely arrest you on the spot. So the last thing you want to do if you think you have a warrant is to ask a cop to look it up. If you get arrested then you’ve just missed your chance to do something about the court order before you get arrested.

Have you forgotten to pay a fine? Do you even know that you have a fine? Have you been driving too fast and picked up a ticket that you haven’t been notified of yet? You might have forgotten to attend court or failed to do some community service. You might even have had your identity stolen and someone has committed a crime in your name.

You might be a victim of criminal identity theft

If someone steals your identity it’s called identity theft. If someone steals your identity and commits a crime posing as you then it’s called criminal identity theft. If someone has done this to you then you could have warrants for arrest in all sorts of places for all sorts of offenses and you won’t have any idea that they exist. This is a bad position to be in and it’s almost impossible to stop it from happening.

Having your identity stolen is a horrible thing to have happen to you and victims will tell you that the longer it goes undetected then the worse the experience is. Criminal identity thieves can wipe out your savings, obtain documents and commit crimes all in your name without you knowing unless you’re constantly on the look out for signs that something is wrong. Checking for arrest warrants is something that you can do to help discover identity theft early.

If you know that there are active arrest warrants on you then you have a chance to do something about them before the situation gets out of hand. The sooner you learn about them the better.

Ask at courthouses

If you know where your warrants might have been issued then you can go to the courthouse and ask. If you don’t know where the warrants might be then you’re going to have a problem because you won’t know which courthouse to enquire at. You can’t ask them all can you? If you’ve had your identity stolen then you might have warrants anywhere. Traveling to each and every courthouse to ask if you might have an active warrant is simply not feasible to do.

Use an online public records database

Search Free Arrest Warrants

Luckily there are web sites on line that specialize in finding information such as active arrest warrants on people. They soak up public and private records databases from thousands of different sources and make them all available to you at the click of a button. This is your best chance of finding out information about arrest warrants and all sorts of other things. You can do it right from your PC, it’s fully confidential and most searches should take less than 5 minutes. Because it’s so quick and easy you can afford to do it regularly and make sure that you stay out of trouble.

Find out if you’ve got any active arrest warrants right away because you can’t afford to leave it even a minute longer.

How do I check for arrest warrants
Are you a victim of identity theft? Perhaps you don’t even know it but it could result in you getting an arrest warrant for doing nothing at all. Find out how it’s possible for you to get a warrant and not be aware of it and learn how to check for arrest warrants.

Active Arrest Warrant – Find Out About Your Warrants Before the Cops Come For You
Have you got any idea what it’s like to have the police get you out of bed and arrest you in the middle of the night. Find out how you can avoid having this happen to you.

Active Arrest Warrants Why are People so Interested in Warrants?
If you don’t know why arrest warrants are so important to you then you should read this. You can get an arrest warrant for all sorts of things and you might not even have done anything wrong. Find out how to find and deal with arrest warrants before they become a huge problem for you.

Author: Steve Gee

How to Find People – Date of Birth Search for People Online

November 6, 2009

Find people and birthdays with ease using the power of the Internet!

Have you lost touch with your high school and college friends like I have? Most of us do it seems and such a shame it is too. I bet that there are plenty of people that you promised faithfully that you would keep in touch with but you haven’t. As the years go by you come to regret that you didn’t live up to your promise but don’t give up yet, there are ways of finding people that might amaze you.

Birthdays are also easily forgotten, even when they are your best of friends or even close family. I’m terrible at remembering this kind of thing and it isn’t helped by the fact that a lot of people would like you to think that they are younger than they really are. Asking them is embarrassing because it might show that you’ve forgotten it or because they would rather not tell you. Don’t worry though, there is now a solution to this. There are amazing public records databases online that let you search for people and their date of births. Its quick and easy and its confidential too.

Time might be a healer but it has a lot to answer for

When I left university 30 years ago I was part of a very close group of friends. We all promised each other and ourselves that we would stay in touch no matter what happened even though we were all going off to start our working lives in different parts of the country.

For a while most of us managed to call and write to each other every now and then. There was no email or messenger or Internet back then. The time between calls got longer and longer as we all got into our new lives and after a few short years we practically lost touch altogether.

The sad thing about all of this is that I lost touch with one of my best friends from university and we were both living in the same town. Would you believe it? 10 years ago he died and I had seen him perhaps only a handful of times in the previous 10 years. We contacted everyone we could find from the old days to find a handful of people to attend the funeral. I hadn’t seen some of these old friends of mine for 20 years and sadly I haven’t seen them since.

A lot has happened in the last few years and it’s now possible to use the Internet to search online public records databases from the comfort of your own home quickly, easily and with complete discretion. You can use databases that used to be accessible only by the law enforcement agencies for finding missing persons. Now you can do the same searches to find practically anyone you want.

There really is no excuse for losing touch with people when it’s so easy to find them. Do it now, you’ll regret it if you don’t.

How Do I Find A Person?
If you want to find someone who you’ve lost touch with then you should know that you can now search for them online. Find out how you can harness the power of the Internet to locate people.

find out if someone is married
If you are thinking of hooking up with someone new or someone that you have not seen for some time then it’s a good idea to find out something about them first. Finding out if they are married is a good place to start.

How to Find People – Birth Date Search for People
The Internet is getting more and more powerful every day. This means that there is now an awesome amount of free information available just waiting for you to find it. Even more important than that is knowing that there are web sites that specialize in bringing all that free information under one roo to make it simple, quick and easy for you to use. Use it to find people or find out more about them.

Author: Steve Gee